The power of a Mack.

More than a century after we invented the integrated powertrain, we’re still setting the gold standard. All our powertrain components are designed to work together for optimum performance, increased fuel efficiency and lower maintenance costs.

Mack ® MP ® Engines

Mack ® MP ® engines are renowned across the trucking industry for their power, reliability and versatility. From construction to refuse to highway hauling, there’s an MP engine that’ll keep you at the head of the pack.

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Mack MP

Mack ® Transmissions

Mack ®   transmissions are built to perform at the highest level in the most demanding conditions and engineered to work smoothly with the rest of your truck.

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Mack Transmissions

Mack ® Axles

Mack ® axles and carriers are the foundation of our reputation for rugged, productive and dependable trucks. Engineered to handle the relentless punishment of the job, they deliver efficiency, higher ratings, durability and quieter operation.

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Mack Axles

Mack ® Suspensions

We’ve engineered Mack ® suspensions to meet the unique needs of your application. Highway or vocational, these suspensions are integrated with the rest of your truck for reliable performance.

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Mack suspensions

Exhaust Aftertreatment Systems

Mack’s exhaust aftertreatment systems (EATS) are built to protect the environment without sacrificing performance or reliability.

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Mack exhaust

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